
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Glovely Men's Leather Touch Screen Gloves Are Lovely

Touchscreen Freedom!
Glovely Men's Leather Touch Screen Gloves
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Glovely Men's Leather Touch Screen Gloves
Cashmere Lining

    When you're a real estate agent and fashion blogger. You're usually outside a lot. While this isn't a problem if you're in Florida, this totally sucks if you're in New York around January. Being a real estate agent and preppy fashion blogger I'm always surfing the net. I'm consistently reading emails, taking pictures of apartments and texting. This totally sucks if you don't have gloves. I'm not a winter person I get cold easily and I detest the cold feeling. I always wear gloves when it's cold, but I have to remove them when I have to type. Typing in bare hands in the cold is nothing fun. For a while I was looking for presentable touchscreen gloves. I wanted them to be exactly like my old gloves which was insulated with a fleece in the inside and leather on the outside. I was trying to avoid getting those awful looking North Face E-tip gloves that everybody has. Glovely is the solution to that problem. Glovely has these elegant pair of leather touchscreen gloves. The gloves are sheepskin leather with 100% cashmere lining keeping you crispy and cozy. What makes Glovely stand apart from other gloves that these gloves are invisitouch treated Sheepskin Leather allows you to use your entire hand on your phone-- no metal pads, cut-off fingers, or visible threading. Use your entire hand to type and swipe naturally, with your gloves on. The gloves are hard to lose with the Proprietary MagLove technology which, magnetically keeps your gloves together. If you're an avid reader of the blog, then you know how much I like getting my money's worth. The gloves are guaranteed to work with your touchscreen device for the lifetime of the product. If a product's touch capability ever fails, even after extended use, they will, replace the product or offer a credit for the purchase price for use with any other product on at their site. The gloves retail $89.00, which is a solid price for a glove that is dress appropriate in any event and comes with warranty.

Never lose the gloves

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