
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Throwback Prep Thursdays: Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs

Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs

This week I have been wearing my Brooks Brothers Shetland fair isle wood sweater religiously because it's the holiday season. Brooks Brothers definitely are in my top three list when it comes to my favorite holiday advertisements. When I have time or before I go to sleep, the holiday catalogs are my preferred reading time in Decemeber. The advertisements shown on todays post are from three catalogs which date back to 1948,1952 and 1967.
I really liked the cover for the 1952 and 1967 catalogs which absolutely capture the holiday spirit with the sled. Gifts suggestion seen in the catalog are Havana cigars, Briar pipes, Nylon umbrellas handcrafted in England, double breasted coats and ski sweaters. Enough said enjoy the pictures.
Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs

Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs
Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs

Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs
Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs
Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs

Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs

Brooks Brothers Vintage Holidays Catalogs

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